The goal of an access control system is to restrict and track the entrances of a property, building, or room to ensure only authorized persons are able to gain access at authorized times.
Some of our proven solutions include:
– Cloud Based Managed Access Control Solutions
– Enterprise Premise-Based Solutions
– Biometric- Based Solutions
– Credential-Based Solutions
– Multi-Factor Based Solutions
– FIPS201 HSPD12 Based Solutions
– Identification Badge Production
The goal of Intrusion detection System (IDS) is a to detect intrusion – unauthorized entry – into a building or area. IDS are used in residential, commercial, industrial, and military properties for protection against burglary (theft) or property damage, as well as personal protection against
The system must detect the intrusion but also alert authorities of the intrusion and provide location information as the intruder moves about the unauthorized location.
Some of our proven solutions include:
– UL2050 SCIF
– UL Central Station Monitoring
– Supervised IDS Alarm Points
– Redundant IDS Communications
– On-Premise Monitoring solutions
– IDS Integration with Access and Video Solutions
– Standalone IDS Systems
The goal of a video surveillance system is to provide live and recorded situational awareness or usable and prosecutable images of an individual. These images must have a defined video quality and usable frame rate.
The video must be available for recall at a security operation center (SOC), redundant SOC, or mobile device for a defined period of time. IP (Internet Protocol) surveillance is a digitized and networked version of closed-circuit television (CCTV). In an IP surveillance system, an IP camera records video footage and the resulting content is distributed over a network.
– Enterprise-Based
– Cloud-Based Storage
– Edge- Based Storage
– Network Video Recorder
– Digital Video Recorder
– Megapixel
– Thermal
– Fixed
– Pan / Tilt / Zoom (PTZ)
– Overt / Covert
– Motion Activated
– Remote Viewing
Cinteot offers video surveillance as well as access control solutions in a hosted cloud environment. A key benefit to our cloud- based access and video solutions package is IT cost savings.
Businesses, no matter what their type or size, exist to earn money while keeping capital and operational expenses to a minimum. With cloud computing, you can save substantial capital costs with zero in-house server storage and application requirements.
The lack of on-premises infrastructure also removes associated operational costs in the form of power, air conditioning and administration costs. Our solution is scalable from one camera or access point to thousands of cameras and access points.
With our managed access and video service platform, via cloud computing you will encounter a more reliable and consistent IT infrastructure. Your organization will benefit from a massive pool of redundant IT resources, as well as quick failover mechanism.
IT infrastructure updates and maintenance are eliminated, as all resources are maintained by the Cinteot service provider. You enjoy a simple web-based user interface for accessing security software, applications and services, access and video interface for all data or images.
Our cloud service providers implement the best security standards and industry certifications, storing data, protecting data and authorizing users. 24/7 the CJSS cloud service providers are on the watch to prevent and mitigate the ever-evolving threat of IT hackers. Our cloud is a flexible, affordable, and scalable platform for small and large businesses to deploy their security needs today and for the future.